”En ny musikuppfostran”: Reformpedagogiska anspråk i Siljanskolans bildningsinnehåll


  • Juvas Marianne Liljas Department of Education, Health and Social Studies, Dalarna University, Sweden




musical upbringing, reform pedagogy, folk music, holistic perspective, musikuppfostran, reformpedagogik, folkmusik, holistiskt perspektiv


”A new form of musical upbringing”: Pretenses of reform pedagogy content in the Siljan school
In this article, I describe the Siljan school in Tällberg as a Swedish example of alternative pedagogy. The overall questions relate to the reform pedagogy content of the school and its ability to give Swedish music teaching a new form of musical upbringing. An important issue is how the Siljan school as a model for Swedish reform has been inspired by the reform pedagogy movements in USA and Germany. The analysis is thus based on the Alm couple’s ability to give the school an international character which shines light on Swedish reforms in the greater context of reform pedagogy. With its basis in discursive education of the 1930s, two main questions are discussed: what perspective on musical education can be identified in the personal development ethos of the Siljan school? How can the school’s relation to the reform pedagogy music movement during the start of the 1900s be understood? From a hermeneutic perspective, the article contributes by investigating how the Siljan school can have affected decisions in education politics, Swedish schooling, and Swedish musical life. In summary, the article contributes with new knowledge on a chapter in the history of Swedish music pedagogy.

Author Biography

Juvas Marianne Liljas, Department of Education, Health and Social Studies, Dalarna University, Sweden

Associate Professor of Music Education




How to Cite

Liljas, Juvas Marianne. 2016. “”En Ny musikuppfostran”: Reformpedagogiska anspråk I Siljanskolans bildningsinnehåll”. Nordic Journal of Educational History 3 (1):47-74. https://doi.org/10.36368/njedh.v3i1.67.