Adelskap forplikter: Norges deltakelse i Unescos skoleforsøk 1953–1959


  • Christian Sæle University of Bergen



associated schools project, Unesco, education for peace [fredsundervisning], cultural relations [kulturelle relasjoner], nordic cooperation [nordisk samarbeid]


Noblesse Oblige: Norway’s Participation in Unesco’s Educational Experimental Program 1953–1959. In 1953, Unesco initiated a teaching experiment project, “Co-ordinated Experimental Activities in Schools of Member States of UNESCO,” with object to develop an effective and coherent, cross-national “education for peace.” Norway was one of 15 countries that accepted the invitation, and put great effort into the project on a national level throughout the 1950’s. Where earlier research has focused on the hands-on implementation of the experiments, this article targets the background and motivation for the Norwegian participation. By focusing on key participants and organizational structures framing the experiments, the article argues that the Norwegian efforts to a significant extent should be seen as part of a broader Norwegian policy towards building cultural relations with other countries. An overall ambition for this policy was to promote the Norwegian educational system as an expression of a particular Norwegian democratic and peace building tradition. This also reflected a self-image that resulted in much of a noblesse-oblige-approach towards Unesco, where Norway, together with its Nordic counterparts, felt obligated to offer their assistance.

Author Biography

Christian Sæle, University of Bergen

Associate Professor of History




How to Cite

Sæle, Christian. 2020. “Adelskap Forplikter: Norges Deltakelse I Unescos skoleforsøk 1953–1959”. Nordic Journal of Educational History 7 (2):51-71.