Insights from Inside: Addressing mental health, well-being and healthcare needs of young prisoners in Cambodia

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Puthy Pat


Introduction: Globally, studies show that young prisoners experience higher rates of mental health disorders and suicidal behaviors than adult prisoners and the general population. In Cambodia, there is a lack of information on the mental health situation of young prisoners and the response of the prison system to that reality. This thesis aimed to explore the mental health, well-being, and healthcare needs of young Cambodian prisoners by examining their mental health status, evaluating life skills interventions, identifying coping mechanisms, and proposing strategies to strengthen the prison health system based on insider perspectives.

Methods: Conducted in four selected prisons, the thesis used both quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative studies assessed mental health and evaluated the impact of a Life Skills Education (LSE) intervention. The qualitative approach explored the perspectives of young prisoners and staff regarding mental health, coping mechanisms, and prison healthcare challenges.

Results: The findings revealed high levels of mental health problems but low suicidal behaviors. Younger age, lower education, and drug use were linked to higher ill-mental health. While the LSE intervention improved mental health, the differences with the control group were not statistically significant. Qualitative insights revealed loneliness, lack of family support, and unmet basic needs as young prisoners´ concerns. Staff noted the limited healthcare services available and stressed the need for reforms, including mental health awareness, staff training, and governance improvements.

Conclusion: The thesis highlights high levels of mental health problems among young prisoners in Cambodia and calls for contextualized mental health interventions. Future efforts should focus on strengthening mental health services, staff training, and prison reforms to better support young prisoners' well-being.

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How to Cite
Pat P. Insights from Inside: Addressing mental health, well-being and healthcare needs of young prisoners in Cambodia. J Community Syst Health [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];1(1). Available from:
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