On Justice, Beauty and Health – Pluralist Approaches


  • Hanne Petersen
  • Rasmus Glud Madsen Law student and former research student, Faculty of Law, UCPH




symbols of justice, fairness, beauty, desire, health


This article discusses historical and symbolic perceptions and representations of justice. In a Western context justice has for millennia been depicted as female and for a long period also as divine. In this article these symbols are interconnected with changing, complex and pluralist understandings of beauty, health and justice. Both justice and beauty are related, as are beauty and health. Beauty has a historical value, and is used for political, commercial, health, artistic and many other purposes. Ideals of beauty and attempts to live up to them can be damaging – historically especially for women. Beauty has been considered unjust, but it may also contribute to fairness, justice and wellbeing. Globalisations and technology have led to pluralisation and uncertainty about what is just, beautiful, and healthy, but they have in no way made these values obsolete.




How to Cite

Petersen, H. and Madsen, R. G. (2021) “On Justice, Beauty and Health – Pluralist Approaches”, Nordic Journal on Law and Society, 3(02). doi: 10.36368/njolas.v3i02.141.